Sunday, July 22, 2012



Rákóczy Zsigmond oklevele arról, hogy szenttamási Lázár Farkas fia János és leánya Judit (előbb Henter Gáspár özvegye, majd alcsernà- toni Damakos Istvánné) tiltakoztak azon káros egyezség ellen, melyet alcsernàtoni Bernád Márton fiával Ferenczczel kötöttek Alsó- és Felső Csernáton, Ikafalva, Futásfalva, Markosfalva, Léczfalva, Szentkatolna, Hatolyka és Kézdi- Vásárhely határaiban fekvő székely örökségeik felől. Kelt Kis-Egrestőn 1607. okt. 4. 

Nos Sigismundus Rakocy Dei gratia princeps Transylvaniae, partium regni Hungariae dominus et Siculorum comes etc.
Memoriae commendamus tenore praesentium significantes, quibus expedit universis, quod pro parte et in personis agilium universorum centurionum et peditum pixidariorum sedis Siculicalis Marus exhibitae sunt nobis et praesentatae quaedam litterae confirmationales serenis- simi quondam Andreae, protunc principis Transylvaniae in pergameno
patenter confectae, sigillique eiusdem pendentis et authentici munimine in cera rubea impressione roboratae ac manus subscriptione commu- nitae; quibus mediantibus idem Andreas princeps alias illustrissimi Sigismundi Bathory fratris et praedecessoris sui, vayvodae Transylvaniae privilegiales super certis quibusdam regulis et observationibus prae- dictorum universorum centurionum, peditumque pixidariorum, in publi- cis huius regni servitiis obeundis et praestandis, litteris in ipsis mani- festis et expressis verborum formulis, idoneo et condecenti ordine in- sertis et inscriptis confirmavisse dignoscebatur, tenoris infrascripti; supplicantes nobis debita cum instantia, ut nos easdem litteras, nec- non omnia et singula in eisdem contenta, ratas, gratas et accepta habentes, acceptare, approbare, ratificare, ac tam pro se ipsis, quam pro posteritatibus ipsorum universis gratiose confirmare dignaremur. Quarum quidem litterarum confirmationalium tenor talis est:
Nos Andreas divina miseratione sanctae Romanae ecclesiae car- dinalis Bathoreus, Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Valachie, Trassalpinae princeps, partium regni Hungariae dominus, Siculorum comes et epis- copatus Varmiensis perpetuus administrator etc. Memoriae commenda- mus tenore praesentium significantes, quibus expedit universis, quod pro parte et in personis agilium universorum centurionum et reliquo- rum peditum nostrorum pixidariorum sedis Siculicalis Marus exhibitae sunt nobis et praesentatae quaedam litterae serenissimi Sigismundi principis etc. domini fratris et praedecessoris nostri charissimi in simplici papyro patenter confectae, sigilloque eiusdem, in inferiori earum margine communitae, continentes in se certas quasdam regulas et ob- servationes in publicis regni servitiis, sub conditionibus et formis in eisdem litteris specifice denotatis et expressis per eosdem centuriones et pedites pixidarios observantes tenoris infrascripti; supplicantes nobis humillime, ut nos easdem litteras ac omnia et singula in eisdem con- tenta, ratas, gratas et accepta habentes, acceptare, approbare, ratificare ac pro praefatis universis centurionibus et peditibus pixidariis, ipso- rumque successoribus universis clementer confirmare dignaremur. Qua- rum quidem litterarum tenor talis est:
Nos Sigismundus Bathory vajvoda Transylvaniae et Sicu- lorum comes etc. Memoriae commendamus tenore praesentium significantes, quibus expedit universis, quod agiles universi tam cen- turiones, quam reliqui sedis nostrae Siculicalis Marus pedites
nostri pixidarii humillime nobis supplicarunt, qualiter multa ipsos premerent gravamina, pleraque nova et inusitata, maxime autem angeret eos continua arcis nostrae Udvarhely custodia, dum ad portam eiusdem loci per capitaneum Udvarhelyensem continuo die noctuque assidere urssi ac ad alia quoque ministeria, insciis, nec superinde compellatis eorum centurionibus, accersiti, tempus omne hisce occupationibus impenderent, ob idque rem eorum familiarem, ex qua sola vitam sustentarent, negligere cogerentur. Accederent praeterea mulctarum sive birsagionum iniquarum exactiones, quibus, qui tenuioris fortunae essent, prorsus exhaurientur: unde eo iam ventum esset, ut nisi certus aliquis eis ordo praescriberetur, minime munus hoc suum tueri amplius possent. His igitur nos eorum que- rimoniis permoti, atque etiam eo proposito, ut eos ad publica regni ministeria a rebus omnibus paratiores instructioresque redderemus, haec eisdem annuenda et concedenda duximus: Primo, quod a modo in posterum nec capitaneorum arcis nostrae Udvarhely, nec judi- cum regiorum dictae sedis Marus, sed nec aliorum quorumlibet jurisdictioni et potestati iidem pedites nostri eiusdem sedis, sed nostrae tantum, ac centurionum nostrorum subiiciantur, ad quorum centurionum iussum incunctanter omnia munera, quae ab illis re- quiruntur, obeant. Immunes autem sint a continuo arcis nostrae Udvarhely custodia, sed domi suae rem suam familiarem curent; hoc tamen adiuncto, quod necessitate aliqua ardua ingruente, si videlicet rumor hostilis requirat, aut legati externi per illas partes deducendi, comitandique fuerint, vel aliquis comprehendendus sit et similis aliqua occurat necessitas, ad nuncium capitanei Udvar- helyensis statim ad arcem nostram Udvarhely, vel quo ipsi iussum fuerit, se conferre, arcem nostram tueri, atque hosti quoque se ipsos, eo numero, quo opus erit, opponere debeant, idque statim faciant, simulatque per capitaneum centurionibus eorum peditum nostrorum id significatum, demandatumque fuerit, nam inseiis cen- turionibus nullus peditum, vel ipso iubente capitaneo, usquam se commoveat. Centuriones nihilominus in praemissis arduis easibus nulla, ratione mandata capitanei negligant et rejiciant, caveat tamen capitancus, ne ex aliqua iniuria illis negocium, facessat et super- vacaneum laborem, illis imponat. Quod ad rationem modumque judiciorum attinet, annuimus et concedimus, ut ex parte peditum
pixidariorum inter ipsos duntaxat solos pedites et non alios, cum nimirum aliqua inter eos controversia, sive personarum, sive rerum aliquarum ratione coorta fuerit, centuriones ipsorum imprimis eis ius dicant, quorum judicio si quae partium non fuerit contenta, causam ipsam sanioris revisionis gratia in praesentiam capitaneorum arcis nostrae Udvarhely, ac inde rursum in curiam nostram sci- licet in praesentiam si libuerit, possit appellari. In actionibus autem litibusque cum alienis, sive nobiles, aut nobilium subditi, sive cives ii et oppidani fuerint, veterem atque usitatum iuditiorum ordinem servari ab eis volumus, nempe ut actiones ipsae et a peditibus ipsis contra nobiles, eorumque subditos, et e contra a nobilibus et eorum subditis contra pedites, coram ordinariis iudicibus, iuxta regni consvetudinem, instituantur, prosequanturque, ita utque in comita- tibus aliquibus huius regni residentes comitum ipsorum eius loci, qui in sedibus Siculicalibus iudicum regiorum, qui vero in oppidis iudicum similiter eorundem oppidorum iurisdictioni ea ratione sint obnoxii et subiecti, ut in universis causis, sive rerum critninalium, sive haereditariarum, aut alio quovis nomine vocatarum, quae inter eos utro citroque motae fuerint, iudicum ipsorum ordinariorum et sententiis et mulctis iudiciariis, et mulctis denique aliis, pro rei ipsius merito, legalibus executionibus debeant etiam subiacere. Verum tamen in sedibus Siculicalibus, ac iudicibus regiis non alio quoquam, praeterquam ad locum sedis ipsius iudiciariae, nimirum in sede Marus in oppidum Zekely-Vasarhely, et non alio, sigil- lus pro more ipsorum ad causam dicendam pedites ipsi pixidarii admoneri, citarique debeant.
Ad inquisitiones autem maleficorum quotannis pro regni con- svetudine obeuntes cum comitibus et judicibus regiis, capitanei etiam peditum ipsorum pixidariorum, iisdem in locis constituti exis- tentes, statis semper temporibus simul egredi, paremque cum illis ea in re operam navare debeant, mulctas tamen sive birsagia ab ipsis peditibus, si quae tum obvenerint, non comites sive judices regii, sed capitanei tantum percipiant, Birsagia porro sangvinis a peditibus ipsis pixidariis extra judicium non capitaneus aut judices regii exigant et percipiant, sed soli centuriones aut exigant nimirum et percipiant, aut pro qualitate excessus plagis et carcere reos puniant. Damus etiam facultatem centurionibus, quandocunque ipsis
libitum fuerit, pro ratione offici sui perlustrandi eosdem pedites nostros pixidarios, ut scilicet diligenter provideant, quibus armis et quo sint modo instructi, ne ignavia corpore et animo difluant, et exercitii desvetudine torpescentes negligant armorum cultum, quin potius semper sint expediti ad omnem rei eventum. Ne quid autem peditum nostrorum commoditati hac quoque in parte desit, annuen- dum hoc etiam et concedendum duximus, ut quicunque peditum nostrorum haereditates quascunque suas tam in villis et possessio- nibus, quam in territoriis earum habitas, quovis nominis vocabulo vocitatas, urgente necessitate a se alienare voluerit, eas ad se redi- mendas, ante omnes alios emptores, aut pignora recipientes pedites nostri pixidarii primum jus habeant, et potestatem; imo pedites nostri pixidarii in causa alienanda non aliis, quam peditibus vicissim nostris haereditates suas alienent, ne inopia praepediti ad eas angustias redigantur, ut officio tandem suo satisfacere nequeant. Caeterum si quos ex iisdem peditibus pixidariis haeredibus et pos- teritatibus utriusque sexus universis deficere contingeret, annui- mus, ut huiusmodi deficientes bona mobilia et immobilia, quovis nominis vocabulo vocitata, in consangvineos suos et fratres gene- rationales propinquiores, pedites scilicet nostros pixidarios, si qui existerent, devolvantur et condescendant. Qui autem masculini sexus tantum prole deficerent, filiam superstitem reliquentes, illius bona in eis filiam devolvantur, ac quicunque ipsam in uxorem, aut peditis nimirum alicuius filius, aut alioqui advena aliquis liber, suique juris, non autem sive noster, sive magnatis ac nobilis alicuius subditus duxerit, in peditatu eo iure succedat, et recipiatur, quo socer re- cepti defunctus fruebatur, serviebatque in peditatu. Prout praemissa universa et singula eisdem annuimus, concedimus per praesentes, harum nostrarum vigore et testimonio litterarum mediante.
Datumin civitate nostra Alba Julia, quarta die mensis Junii, anno Domini milesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo primo. A dextra autem parte subscriptum erat Sigismundus Bathori; a sinistra vero Wolphgangus Kovachioczy cancellarius.
Nos itaque praemissa supplicatione nobis modo, quo supra, por- recta elementer exauditata et admissa, praescriptas litteras dicti sere- nissimi principis Sigismundi non abrasas, non cancellatas, nec in aliqua sui parte suspectas, sed omni prorsus vitio et suspicione carentes
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presentibus litteris nostris de verbo ad verbum sine diminutione et augmento aliquali insertas et incriptas, quoad omnes earum continen- tias, clausulas, articulos et puncta eatenus, quatenus eadem rite et legi- time existunt emanatae, viribusque earum suffragatur Veritas, ratas, gratas et accepta habentes, acceptavimus, approbavimus, ratificavimus, et pro iisdem centurionibus et peditibus pixidariis dictae sedis Siculicalis Marus, ipsorumque successoribus universis, perpetuo valituras gratiose confirmavimus, imo acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus et confirma- mus, harum nostrarum vigore et testimo litterarum mediantum.
Datum in civitate nostra Alba Julia, die secunda mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo nono. Erat sub- sriptum a dextra Andreas cardinalis Bathoreus, princeps Transylvaniae; a sinistra autem in inferiori parte Joannes Jacobinus secretarius.
Nos igitur praemissa supplicatione nobis modo, quo supra, facta faventer exaudita et admissa, praescriptas litteras confirmationales, non abrasas, non cancellatas, nec in aliqua sui parte suspectas, sed omni prorsus vitio et suspicione carentes praesentibus litteris nostris de verbo ad verbum, sine diminutione et augmento aliquali inseri et in- scribi facientes, quoad omnes earum continentias, clausulas, articulos et puncta eatenus, quatenus eaedem rite et legitime existunt emanatae, viribusque earum veritas suffragatur, ac in quantum iidem centuriones, peditesque pixidarii sedis Siculicalis Marus in continue earum usu perstiterunt, et nunc quoque persistunt, ratas, gratas et accepta ha- bentes acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus, ac pro praefatis centurio- nibus, peditibusque pixidariis saepedictae sedis Siculicalis Marus, ipsorumque successoribus universis, perpetuo valituras, gratiose con- firmamus, harum nostrarum, pendentis et authentici sigilii nostri mu- nimine roboratarum, vigore et testimonio litterarum mediante.
Datum in civitate nostra Alba Julia die decima octava mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septimo.
JOANNES PETTKY, cancellarius.
STEPHANUS KASSAY, secretarius. .
(Eredetije Maros-Torda, vármegye levéltárában.)

Rakoczy Sigismund diploma that Szenttamás Lazar Wolf's son John and daughter Judith (first Henter Gaspar's widow, then alcsernà-toni Damakos István) protested against the harmful agreement against which alcsernàtoni Bernd Martin's son Ferenczczel entered into Lower and Upper Cernat, Ikafalva, Run Village, Markosfalva, Léczfalva, Szentkatolnai, and Kézdi Hatolyka-Mures Transylvania boundary encompassing landscape. Small Egrestőn at the 1607th October 4th

Zygmunt Rakocy us the grace of God prince of Transylvania, parts of the kingdom of Hungary and the Sicilian count on.
Memorized these present significant, well in that part of the persons and nimble of foot soldiers and the centurions of all forms to show that they are Siculicalis pixidariorum see us and presented a letter confirmationales weather, most of Andrew's, afterwards, the prince of Transylvania in the parchment
  clearly drawn, and on the same sigillique protection in the authentic red wax impression, strengthened the hand of the subscription and community-ended, which means the same as the other famous Sigismund Bathory's brother Andrew and his predecessor, Transylvania vayvodae privilegiales on certain rules and practices, all of the above- centurions, and infantry pixidariorum, the public side of this conduct of the services performed and in letters, in the clear and express words, formulas, and adapted to fit in-order wreaths and inscribed with confirmavisse dignoscebatur, the tenor of the undersigned, petition with a request by us, as we the same letter, he and every one of not-all things are not in the same contained, that he recognized, acceptable, and to accept, having, to accept, approve, ratify, and so for themselves, which for all their posterity, graciously deign to confirm. Confirmationalium these letters is as follows:
 We Andreas divine mercy of the holy Roman church of the flesh dinalis Bathoreus, Transylvania, Moldaviae, Valachie, Trassalpinae high, parts of the kingdom of Hungary, Count of Sicily, and the bishops copatus Varmiensis perpetual administrator etc.. We commit them to memory, these present significant, well in that part of the persons and nimble of all the centurions and the rest of our infantry pixidariorum See Siculicalis functions are shown to us and presented a letter of his Serene Highness Prince Sigismund, etc.. paper, drawn up in a simple way clear to his brother and predecessor of the Lord of our most deare, of the same seal, in the lower margin of their community, containing in itself would involve certain known and on account of the rules of the kingdom of-the preservation, in the public services, specifically under the conditions and forms of the letters in the same has been denoted by the captains of hundreds and expressed through the same pixidarios the undersigned, observing the consistent form and manner of cavalry and infantry; us humble supplication, most humbly, that we and all and singular the same letters in the same con-prove, that he recognized, acceptable, and to accept, having, to accept, approve, ratify and on behalf of the aforesaid pixidariis all the centurions and infantry, so acting as the successors of the very- all graciously deign to confirm. -Which, indeed, of the tenor of the letters is as follows:
 We vajvoda Sigismund Bathory of Transylvania, and as the count-off, etc.. Memorized these present significant, well in, so that all active-hundred centurions, I left the seat of our event Siculicalis foot
  our lowest pixidarii supplicarunt us, how much was obvious even to the detriment of many new and, most of them choked Udvarhely our continued custody of the castle, while at the same place by the captain of Udvarhelyensem continuous day and night to assess urssi and other services, without the knowledge, above do not compel their officers, called by the time all this was threatened by the business, for that matter, their family, of which only sustain life, they were compelled to neglect. Furthermore, addition of fines or taxes birsagionum of evil, which, who were less fortunate, completely exhausted, so now it was reached, but not sure any of them to dictate the order, no longer able to uphold its own task. It is these things that we rimoniis-influenced, and even for this purpose, as those of the public service from the things make all ready equipped, and this consent should be granted the same, we have: First, that the way for the future of our Captains of the Castle Udvarhely, or con- with the royal seat of this great event, but not of any other jurisdiction and authority of the same foot of the throne, but our only, and subject to our centurions, the centurions of the order without hesitation that all the gifts, which they re-seek, exercise. But they are exempt from the castle immediately Udvarhely our guard, but in his own home to see his family; it to this, that the necessity of some high when, if, that requires a report of a hostile, foreign ambassadors, or put into these parts, they comitandique, or a person is arrested and the necessity of some crosses the like, to the messenger to the castle as soon as the captain Udvar-helyensis our Udvarhely, or which they themselves further orders be given, to betake himself to, to defend the citadel of our, and also the enemy of their own selves, because numbers, in which shall be necessary, it ought to be, and that immediately to do so, As soon as that indicated by the captain of the captains of our infantry, demandatumque be, for inseiis hundred centurions, no foot, or by order of the captain, had nowhere to move. Hundreds in the case of the aforementioned high easibus no, neglect and reject the commands of the captain, to ensure that capitancus, not by some injury to the business, and let the vacaneum-labor, to impose them. As far as the judgments of the nature of its physical form and constitution, a year and the grant, as part of the infantry
  pixidariorum among them only those who were on foot only, and not others, since, among them, of course, some controversy, or persons, or by reason of having arisen, it has been of some things, say them the right of the captains of hundreds of them in the first place, of which the judgment if any of the parties has not been contained, the grace of the cause itself to revision of the sounder in the presence of the Captains of our Udvarhely of the citadel, and from this again into our court, although in the presence of know-if it were pleasing, can be called by it. In those actions, infantry with those of others, or of high rank, of the nobles, or subjects, or citizens of the defenders, and those may have been, and practiced the old order of judgment we wish to be kept from them, namely, that with them against the actions of themselves and from the foot soldiers of high rank, and their subjects, and on the contrary, from the noble and their subjects against the foot, before the regular judges, according to the consvetudinem, should be established, prosequanturque, such as in-county resident, were some of the companions of his place, that the seats Siculicalibus royal judges, but judges in the towns and cities of the jurisdiction of the and they are responsible to the nature of the subject, as in all the causes, or of things critninalium, whether by heredity or by whatever other name called, which they have been moved back and forth between them both, the judges and their sentences and the ordinary and vindicating the judicial, and, finally, vindicating the others, for the merit of the thing itself , should also be subject to legal executions. Nevertheless, in the homes Siculicalibus, the royal judges, and not any other, except at the residence of the judiciary, of course, important in the proper place in the town-Zekely Vasarhely, and not another, sealed-law for the manner of their trial at the foot pixidarii they suggest, should citarique .
 The investigations of crimes each year for the svetudine-making with his companions, and the sentence of the king, the captain of the infantry pixidariorum, in the same place of the existing content, will always stand out at times, and equal with them in this matter to be handled, however, much birsagia or by foot if at the time they meet, not the company or the royal judges, but only the perception of leaders, Birsagia sangvinis on foot from the pixidariis out of court or not as the captain of the royal judges demand and receive, but they are required, and with only hundreds or benefit, or excess of a certain kind of stripes, and prison sentences to punish. We give also the opportunity to the captains, when they
  will be a consideration of moral duty of his foot, our pixidarios examine it the same, namely, that are carefully to ensure, to whom and in what they are not being drawn up by force of arms, so as not difluant want of energy in body and mind, and the worship of the exercise of a desvetudine torpescentes neglect of their arms, but rather always they will be equipped to all the the issue. To show the convenience of our infantry in this part is missing, while agreeing to this and we have granted, any inheritances that as many as our infantry in their villages and cattle-men, than those who live in the territories, whose name was called every name in case of necessity by the he's willing, he would return them to the faults, before all other purchasers, or receiving the foot of our children have the right of first pixidarii, and the power of the bottom of our foot soldiers in the cause of alienation pixidarii no other than our infantry in turn alienate their inheritances, not a lack of handicapped may be reduced to the entered the defile, so that they can not fulfill their own office, at last. But if the heirs of the foot and can pixidariis teritatibus both sexes, all happen to fail, we annually, such as failing movable and immovable goods, called by whatever name called, and his brethren in the consangvineos general rational closer to the foot of our pixidarios, If we would devolve and condescend. That the only male offspring were to fail, the surviving son reliquentes, his good daughter devolve on them, and whoever has it in his wife, or son of an infantry course, a stranger, or anyone else, and has its own right, but not whether our great men and famous or something subject to marry, the right to succeed him in the infantry, and received, where the father died, he enjoyed a precept, serviebatque in the foot. As to what has been in the times of the same year, and by these presents do grant, and the testimony of the vigor of our literature, through the medium of these.
 our Datumin the city of Alba Julia, the fourth day of the month of June, five hundred and ninety-first year of the Lord milesimo. From the right side of Sigismund Bathori was signed, at the left of the Wolphgangus Kovachioczy Chancellor.
We, therefore, to what has been the prayer of us the way in which the above, the portion exauditata-right elements, and is admitted, the most-often occurs, the provisions of the letters of said shaved off, not the emperor Sigismund, not canceled, nor in any part of the suspect, but from all suspicion at all affected by the defect, and that lack the
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 presents letters, word for word, without any diminution of the growth and incriptas been incorporated, in all their fall-thanks, clauses, articles and points to the extent, the same time they are duly and law-emanatae, and strength of their support for the Truth, as valid, acceptable and Having received, accepted, approved, ratified, and for the officers and foot soldiers of this See pixidariis Siculicalis functions, and their successors, as a nation, perpetually valid graciously confirmed that, indeed, accept, approve, ratify and confirm-ed, and the strength of our witness by means of letters.
Given our  in the city of Alba Julia, the second day of the month of August in the year our Lord one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine. He was under the right-sriptum Andrew Bathoreus cardinal, chief of Transylvania, from the left in the lower part of the John Jacobinus Secretary.
 We, therefore, to what has been the prayer of us the way in which the above, there was heard and the favor is accepted, the confirmationales the provisions of the letters, it is not shaved off, not canceled, nor in any part of the suspect, but wholly from all defect and lack of suspicion of the presence of my letters, word for word, without reduction and growth and the insertion of any written work, as all of them on his person, clauses, articles and points to the extent, the same has been duly and lawfully exist emanatae, with all the might of truth favors, and to the extent the same officers, seat and foot pixidarii Siculicalis important in their continued continued the use of, and even now, persist in, ratified, having acceptable, and to accept, accept, approve, ratify, and for all the aforesaid, the centurion-, infantry, of the throne of the oft mentioned pixidariis Siculicalis looms like, and their successors, all the perpetual validity, graciously con-confirm, these of our , depending on their status and authentic-nimine strengthened in our sigilii, by virtue of and through the medium of the testimony of letters.
 From the Alba Julia, we are in the Eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seventh.
 Sigismund RAKOCY fanned.
 JOHN PETTKY, Chancellor.
KASSAY Stephen, Secretary. .
 (Eredetije sav-Torda, vármegye levéltárában.)
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